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ModsRus Modded Controllers Xbox One & Ps4

Welcome to ModsRus Mods

Modded controllers were born during the last eight years after the release of the Xbox 360 and ps3 consoles into the market. Now that the xbox one & ps4 is out on the market today people are already aware that they can have modded controllers for the next generation gaming consoles.

These mod controllers were created in order to give you a advantage over your opponents in first person shooters like call of duty. You can also perform actions quicker and shoot at fast fire rates with rapid fire.

Call Of Duty WWII Days of Summer Event Starts Now

Call Of Duty WWII Days of Summer Event Starts Now

I literally just wrote a blog post yesterday theorizing if the folks at Sledgehammer Games would give us another Call Of Duty event before Black Ops IIII dropped. I was worried that Activision would want all eyes on Black Ops IIII, but that is not the case as we have a summer event and best of all you can play it now.

Call Of Duty WWII Days of Summer is live as you read this. Like past events, it is going to last 30 days. Now rather than telling you what this event is all about I want to focus on how weird the rollout of this event it.

As I said it is lasting for 30 days and the big thing about this event is a new summer-themed map that is called Sandbox. What is weird is that Sandbox is exclusive to PlayStation for 30 days, but that is how long the event lasts. I am really hopeful that this is a mistake and that it is live for Xbox and PC as well or that really is not fair and I fail to see what having an exclusive map this late in the game achieves for Sony, Activision or Sledgehammer Games.

Sandbox is really awesome as not only is the map summer themed the characters have been altered so that they look like those little green army men. You know the ones that were in a million games in the 90’s and early 00’s, the ones from Toy Story, the ones that your dad would go mad at you for when he stood on them with his bare feet!

I really like the idea the Call Of Duty WWII Days Of Summer event and playing as little green army men is cool, but I just wish they communicated better as to what the deal with this 30-day exclusivity is.

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