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ModsRus Modded Controllers Xbox One & Ps4

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Modded controllers were born during the last eight years after the release of the Xbox 360 and ps3 consoles into the market. Now that the xbox one & ps4 is out on the market today people are already aware that they can have modded controllers for the next generation gaming consoles.

These mod controllers were created in order to give you a advantage over your opponents in first person shooters like call of duty. You can also perform actions quicker and shoot at fast fire rates with rapid fire.

Top Level Rewards Coming To Call Of Duty WWII

Top Level Rewards Coming To Call Of Duty WWII

If you have already reached the Master Prestige rank in Call Of Duty WWII and have been wondering where your recognition and special rewards are it looks like you will not have to wait much longer.

Once you reach Master Prestige you then have to make the long trip to a further 1000 levels! You do this and that character will be well and truly maxed out. Sledgehammer Games have not given any exact details, but they have said that there will be rewards for hitting certain milestones on the road to 1000. I would assume that there will be some kind of reward every 50 or 100 levels.

So what if you get deep in the mud and make it all the way to 1000? Well, Sledgehammer Games did actually show off some of the gear that is up for grabs. If you have seen the Royalty Gear that was in Advanced Warfare that is a good description of what the Call Of Duty WWII Master Prestige Gear looks like. I think it looks pretty cool, but in all honesty, I have no chance in hell of getting it!

While getting this Master Prestige rewards is pretty cool you have to wonder if this is too late? Call Of Duty Black Ops IIII is nearly here so you have to wonder if players are going to bother sticking with Call Of Duty WWII to max out a character and get that elusive loot. This is surely something that is only for the most dedicated and hardcore of Call Of Duty WWII players.

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