Ps4 Modded Controllers Xbox One Modded Controllers Ps4 Call Of Duty Controllers Xbox One Mods Cod Playstation 4 Ps4 Modded Controllers Ps4 Modded Controllers Xbox One Call Of Duty Controllers Ps4 Mods Cod Playstation 4

ModsRus Modded Controllers Xbox One & Ps4

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Modded controllers were born during the last eight years after the release of the Xbox 360 and ps3 consoles into the market. Now that the xbox one & ps4 is out on the market today people are already aware that they can have modded controllers for the next generation gaming consoles.

These mod controllers were created in order to give you a advantage over your opponents in first person shooters like call of duty. You can also perform actions quicker and shoot at fast fire rates with rapid fire.

Fortnite Solid Gold Mode

Fortnites Solid Gold Mode Is Pretty Nuts

If you are a fan of shooters, you no doubt have been having a blast with Fortnite on PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC. It is a fun free to play shooter that anyone can pick up and play. It walks that fine line of being hard to master, but also very accessible for new players.

Epic has been great at adding new content to the game and they have done it once again with a new timed mode that is going to be here for a short while called Solid Gold mode. Just what is the Solid Gold mode you are asking?

Well, Solid Gold mode is going to kick things up a notch as all the weapon drops are going to be a legendary or gold tier. This means that if you are a good shot, you can really own a battle as all the best guns are in these tiers. For those of you (myself included) who may not be the best shot in the world, you better have your running shoes on and get ready to run and gun and hope for the best!

I think that Solid Gold mode is going to be a whole lot of fun and I am really looking forward to spending some serious time with it. While some might say that this mode is only for more highly skilled players, I say forget that! Anyone can jump in and potentially get luck with the guns they come across and do some serious damage.

By the time you read this Solid Gold mode will be live so get in and have some fun as fun is what Fortnite is all about.

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